
Antiphonetic sound chart

Antiphonetic sound chart -

This version of the Pronpack sound chart uses typical spellings rather than phonemic symbols. Use this version if the phonemic symbols seem to be too hard for your students to take on board. You can download versions below with or without pictures, black and white or colour.

Pronpack Sound Chart

Pronpack Sound Chart -

This is a new phonemic chart of the sounds of English for the classroom wall or to hand out to students. You can download it below.

Pronpack Sound Chart with pictures

Pronpack Sound Chart with pictures -

This wall chart includes the sounds of English with pictures illustrating example words. Get the students to say what the example words are! Download below.

Pronunciation Teaching up North

Event date: 
Saturday, October 3, 2015 - 12:15
English UK North Academic Conference
LILA, New Barratt House, 47 North John Street, Liverpool L2 6SG
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Plus downloads
Mark Hancock's talk Pronunciation Teaching up North

Do you speak and teach in a standard RP accent? How bad is it if you don’t? In this session, we will look at a phonemic chart and how it is organised.  We will then consider some of the ways the sounds are different in the North of England.

Practical Pronunciation

Event date: 
Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 14:00
NILE Guest Lecture
INTO, Bridgewater House, Manchester
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Practical Pronunciation -

The slides from the talk can be found below. Also, check out the 'Materials' section of this website to see full downloads, including audio in some cases, and lesson plans for some of the activities demonstrated in the talk.

The Parasol

The Parasol -

This song is based on a painting by Francisco de Goya in the Prado Museum in Madrid. The lyric refers to Goya as 'he', the girl in the painting as 'you' and the singer himself as 'I'. It speculates as to why the boy stands holding the parasol for the girl.

Cat Got you Tongue

Posted by: 
English Teaching Professional
Mark Hancock's tongue cats vowel chart

Follow this link for my article on imagining the tongue as a cat in vowel sounds work:

Pronunciation Games for Spanish Speakers

Event date: 
Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 12:30
IV Arenas Teaching Symposium
Colegios Arenas, Facultad Filologia, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Pronunciation for Spanish Speakers -

Pronunciation lessons can be both fun and focussed. In this session, we will look at 8 features of English pronunciation which are of particular relevance for Spanish speaking learners of English. These will include vowels, spelling of vowels, consonants, clusters, word stress, stress patterns, tonic syllables and joined up speech.

Hot Topics in Prague

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Hot Topics in Prague -

The 4th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices (EPIP) was a three day event in Prague.

Pronunciation in Prague!

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Blog -

The 4th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices is being hosted by the Institute of Phonetics, Charles University, Prague, this weekend. This conference happens every two years, with previous venues including France, South Africa and Spain. See a programme for the event here.


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