
Sick Spies or Six Pies?

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Sick Spies or Six Pies? -

Look at the pictures. Are the two pictures: a. a minimal pair, b. homophones, c. whatever?

Acoustic Drills and Audio Concordances

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Acoustic Drills and Audio Concordances -

There is something missing at the heart of the listening component in most ELT course materials. They fail to dig deep into the actual raw material of the skill – what Richard Cauldwell calls the ‘sound substance’.

The First Day

Materials -

The school was big, really big

I didn’t want to go

There were lots of kids, tall kids

Kids I didn’t know


I saw some friends from primary school

But only three or four

How many kids were in this school?

A thousand, maybe more!


Accent by Numbers

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Accent by Numbers -

Eighth and last in the series Accent through the keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast version.

What’s the correct answer to the accent by numbers puzzle?

Hancock McDonald ELT Review

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Hancock McDonald ELT Reveiw -

Happy to see a review of our website in IATEFL Voices Issue 253, by Jennifer St.John of the University of Ottawa. Here are a few excerpts


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Twang! -

View 7: Twang!

Seventh in the series Accent through the keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast version.

So what’s this post about?

Getting Rid of your Accent

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Getting Rid of your Accent -

Sixth in the series Accent through the keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast version.

Why are you illustrating this post with a picture of a mouthless face?

Accent Creep

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Accent Creep -

Fifth in the blog/podcast series Accent through the keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 download.

So who’s this accent creep you mention in the title?

The Bad Boy of English Pronunciation

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The Bad Boy of English Pronunciation -

Fancy an accent tattoo? Fourth in the series Accent Through the Keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast download.

Speech sounds are just neutral, aren’t they? So how can there be a ‘bad boy’?

The Reverse Lisp

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The Reverse Lisp -

One person's prestige accent is another person's speech impediment. Third in the series Accent through the keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast version.

Can you remind us what a lisp is?


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