Hakan Senturk began his presentation with a contextualization of his ideas within the development of the Dogme movement. He traced the origin of Dogme to Scott Thornbury’s call for a more conversation-driven materials-light approach to teaching which focuses on language that naturally emerges in the lesson rather than a pre-conceived syllabus as laid down by a coursebook. He called this phase of the Dogme movement ‘1.0’ The next phase, which he termed ‘2.0’, was when Dogme practitioners began to bring the internet, especially web 2.0 tools into the classroom as another rich resource, but again, which was driven by the group and not by distant publishers and coursebook writers. Finally, Hakan talked about a third phase, which he labelled ‘2.1’, which took onboard the benefits of 2.0, but made them ‘permanent’. He showed us how, by using the tool ‘Springpad’, the teacher and class could keep a digital record of everything they did online during their course, including media of any kind. This record would then constitute a kind of retrospective coursebook, but created by the teacher and students themselves.
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