
ELT Pronunciation for Spanish speakers (Collection)

TESOL Spain Newsletter

Mark Hancock and Victor Pavón wrote these articles under the title 'Pronzone' for the TESOL Spain newsletter.

Pronunciation as a Listening Skill

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Pronunciation as a Listening Skill -
Pronunciation is not only about the mouth, but also the ears. And, with English being a global language, the ears must learn to be flexible in order to make sense of all those varieties of spoken English out there. This article is about helping learners to deal with this variety.

Wrong Lyrics 1

Wrong Lyrics 1 -
This is a fun awareness-raising activity matching correct and misheard song lyrics based on a video - see below. There is also an audio-only version available to download.

Dangerous dictation no.5

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Pron-Puzzles -

What basic information question has been misunderstood in this picture? Answer = "What's your address?". Surprisingly, for many speakers, these two sentences are perfectly identical in sound. The S in "what's" and the Y in "your" combine to make an SH sound. This in turn joins the T in "What" to create the CH sound. That makes "Watch". The "Your" minus that first Y sound becomes "or".

Pronunciation as a listening skill: understanding authentic English (Poland)

Event date: 
Saturday, September 8, 2012 - 11:45
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Mark Hancock

Pronunciation is not only about the mouth, but also the ears. And, with English being a global language, the ears must learn to be flexible in order to make sense of all those varieties of spoken English out there. This session is about helping learners to deal with this variety.

Sentence Search

This is a pronunciation game focusing on sentence stress patterns. In particular, it aims to raise awareness that pronouns and possessives are not normally stressed. If your students stress them my mistake, the listener will look for a contrastive meaning.

Listening Maze

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Words such as 'hard' and 'heart' are distinguished by the final consonant being voiced or devoiced (but note that the vowel sound is affected, so that it is longer before the voiced consonant eg in 'hard').

Dangerous Dictation no.3

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Pron-Puzzles -
The sign should of course read "No dogs allowed". But since what's actually on the sign is a perfect phrasal homophone, a transcriber is perfectly entitled to write it either way. Notice what this shows us about the pronunciation of "are" as nothing more than a schwa.

Mark in Sweden

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Blog -

Mark's talking about pronunciation as a listening skill at two events in Sweden in August, organized by the book distributor Utbildningsstaden. Details here.

Pronunciation Games for Brazil

Event date: 
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - 09:30
Rio de Janeiro

In this workshop, we present a syllabus of 8 features of English pronunciation of relevance for Brazlian learners. Each of the 8 points are explained and illustrated with a pronunciation game. You can download the handout and the slide show for the talk below. The full instructions for most of the games can be found in the materials section of this site.


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