Creating Motivation

Event date: 
Monday, September 17, 2012 - 18:30
Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados
Complutense, Madrid
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In the first part of the talk, we will see how motivation leads to attention which in turn leads to learning. We will look at the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how the first leads to a better quality of attention. We will then look at strategies for creating intrinsic motivation in the classroom. We will look at the "IPEC box", which is a way of classifying the different ways in which classroom activities can be "attention magnets". IPEC stands for "interest, personalization, entertainment, challenge"
In the second part of the talk, we will do a collection of different activities which are attention magnets, and we will decide how to classify them in the IPEC box. These activities represent suggestions and ideas for creating motivation in your own classrooms.
You can download the slide show from the talk below. And here are links to lesson plans for some of the materials I demonstrated in the talk...
Story about boys playing football outside Mr Smith's house

Nightmare Hotel

Picture differences

Watery World quiz

Ana's bag detective work

Do dogs look like their owners?

Crazy email



Thanks so much for sharing it. I learned many things and I am so glad I went to hear your conference!. It was a pleasure.
Mark Hancock's picture

Thanks Belen. If you try out any of the activities, let us know how it goes!

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