Thursday - April 21st, 2016
This activity is a free sample from PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems.
Teaching Objective: To familiarize students with the pronunciation of –ed endings and linking in connected speech.
Monday - September 28th, 2015
This version of the Pronpack Sound Chart uses the symbols for the American sound system as used in Celce-Murcia, Brinton and Goodwin Teaching Pronunciation, CUP 1996. The r-coloured vowels are given as separate hexagons.
Wednesday - September 2nd, 2015
This version of the Pronpack sound chart uses typical spellings rather than phonemic symbols. Use this version if the phonemic symbols seem to be too hard for your students to take on board. You can download versions below with or without pictures, black and white or colour.
Wednesday - September 2nd, 2015
This is a new phonemic chart of the sounds of English for the classroom wall or to hand out to students. You can download it below.
Wednesday - September 2nd, 2015
This wall chart includes the sounds of English with pictures illustrating example words. Get the students to say what the example words are! Download below.
Thursday - July 23rd, 2015
Give out the worksheet and ask students to complete the lyric before they listen to the song. They should be able to do this because each missing word is the opposite of the word at the end of the previous line, and the lines are rhyming couplets.
Wednesday - December 4th, 2013
Have fun in class and raise awareness of how pronunciation affects listening at word level and across words. Find the teacher's notes and worksheet pdf below, plus a video/karaoke of the song, and an audio-only mp3.
Sunday - December 1st, 2013
This is a fun awareness-raising activity based on a video - see below. There is also an audio-only version available to download. See also Yes, today and Hay chewed.
Tuesday - November 19th, 2013
Use this game and video to practice the difference between the vowel sounds in hit v heat. Full instructions in the PDF download below!
Thursday - November 14th, 2013
Watch the video for a brief explanation of this pronunciation point. Download the jpeg image. Ask your students to work in pairs and read it aloud. Explain that it is written wrongly and ask them to work out what it should say.