
Disappearing Sentence

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This simple activity always gets the class deeply involved in thinking about grammar in a colloborative and enjoyable way. It is based on an idea in Grammar Games by Mario Rinvolucri and has long been one of our favourites!

Grammar Poem

Grammar Poem -

In this simple activity, students write a poem using only a limited number of given words. The limited words are important - first of all, they oblige the students to use the target grammar form, and secondly, the constraint of having a limit actually helps their creativity.

Snakes and Ladders

Materials -

1. The game is played in small groups. Each group has a board and dice and each player has a counter, which they place on the START square.

I Can't Hear You

I Can't Hear You -

This activity is especially good for young learners, who can sing along and mime the actions in the song.

The First Day

Materials -

The school was big, really big

I didn’t want to go

There were lots of kids, tall kids

Kids I didn’t know


I saw some friends from primary school

But only three or four

How many kids were in this school?

A thousand, maybe more!


The Parasol

The Parasol -

This song is based on a painting by Francisco de Goya in the Prado Museum in Madrid. The lyric refers to Goya as 'he', the girl in the painting as 'you' and the singer himself as 'I'. It speculates as to why the boy stands holding the parasol for the girl.

Michael Hoey, faithful observer of language

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Michael Hoey’s was a compelling argument in favour of teaching language lexically, because that’s how language is, and that’s also how it’s learnt and mentally stored. On the linguistics angle, he endorsed the work of Michael Lewis and his ´lexical approach´, and on the pedagogic side, he recommended the ´Monitor Model´of Stephen Krashen.

What's New?

A pairwork activity in which students and their partners describe their pictures and find the differences. The pictures are so designed as to contextualize and elicit the present perfect tense, such as 'I've failed my exam'.

Head or Heart?

ELT Materials: Head or Heart?

In this personality test, students choose the option which best represents their attitude in various situations. From this, they 'discover' whether they are driven more by rationality or emotion.

Ana's Bag

ELT Materials: Ana's Bag

In this activity, students get the chance to play Sherlock Holmes! They look at the evidence in a picture and try to work out what the owner of the bag did during the last few days. It's an enjoyable way to get some elementary level practice in using the simple past tense.


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