ELT Pronunciation for Spanish speakers (Collection)

TESOL Spain Newsletter
 - hancockmcdonald.com/ideas.xml/67

Mark Hancock and Victor Pavón wrote these articles under the title 'Pronzone' for the TESOL Spain newsletter.


Thank you for the link to such excellent materials.
Mark Hancock's picture

You're welcome!

Hi Mark I'd like to use the Possessive 's maze referred to within the Final -s suffix worksheet. Could you tell me where I can find it? Really appreciate the materials. Many thanks James
Mark Hancock's picture

James - thanks for noticing that the maze was missing from this file! I've just added it as a jpeg...

Many thanks. As well as Spanish speakers, this will really help my Chinese students who don't produce /Iz/ endings.

Excellent materials that can even be easily modified to use in online classes. Thank you!

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