Mark Hancock

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Mark Hancock

Mark Hancock -

I got my first teaching job in 1984, working at a large boy's secondary school in El Obeid, Sudan. This experience made it very clear to me that there's a lot more to teaching English than just being able to speak the language!

Doing things with Sounds: practical pronunciation activities for EFL classrooms

Event date: 
Saturday, February 21, 2015 - 11:30
Accentuate (Pronsig/NATECLA)
British Council, Spring Gardens, London
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Mark Hancock at accentuate
Talks -

See a video of this talk here. Each language has a repertoire of sounds which are used to make meaningful distinctions. When teaching the sounds of English, we need to keep that practical purpose in mind.

Mark's Vowel Sound Chart

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Mark's Vowel Sound Chart -

Check out the full chart here. See a video here. I’ve been developing a new phonemic chart to use with my students.

Doing things with Sounds: practical pronunciation activities for EFL classrooms

Event date: 
Friday, March 6, 2015 - 19:00
Extra info: 
Includes handouts
Doing things with sounds by Mark Hancock

I'm delighted to be presenting at TESOL Spain this year on the topic of pronunciation. This year, we'll be looking at individual sounds and things we and our students can do with them, including experimenting and imagining, representing and exploring, and playing and communicating.

Pronunciation to go: learning to learn from the dictionary

Event date: 
Monday, April 13, 2015 - 13:30
Manchester; Exchange 9
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Plus downloads
Talks -

(pdf of slides below) Proverbial wisdom tells us that if you give someone a fish, they can eat for a day, but if you teach someone to fish, they can eat for a lifetime. It’s a message about the long-term value of learning new skills and becoming independent. A similar thing could be said about pronunciation and dictionaries.

University Life

Authentic Listening Resource Pack by Mark Hancock and Annie McDonald

This is a sample lesson from Authentic Listening Resource Pack based on a video in which Alan interviews Maria and Ning about university life in their home countries, Russia and China.

Life on Mars

Image from Authentic Listening Resource Pack

This is an authentic listening activity based on a video recording of a 3-minute lecture. Swiss scientist Bechara Saab talks about the possibility of a colony on Mars.

Doing things with Sounds: practical pronunciation activities for EFL classrooms

Event date: 
Friday, May 22, 2015 - 11:15
English Pronunciation Issues & Practices 4
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Mark Hancock talk at EPIP in Prague

This event is the 4th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices. See a review of the conference here.

In this talk, we'll be looking at individual sounds and things we and our students can do with them. These will include:

Stephen Krashen at TESOL France

Posted by: 
Event date: 
Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 18:00
Conference Reports -

For myself and many other ELT professionals, Stephen Krashen is a legend. In the words of Wikipedia, for instance ‘He is credited with introducing various influential concepts ... including the acquisition-learning hypothesis, the input hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the affective filter, and the natural order hypothesis’. So naturally, he is a big pull at a conference.

Carol Read at TESOL France

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Event date: 
Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 10:00
Conference Reports -

Carol Read’s plenary at TESOL France was titled, ‘Reflections on How to be a Highly Effective Teacher’. I’ve seen her give a number of conference presentations, but for me this was the best – a broad view of the field underpinned by good references, and a vivacious delivery.

Pronunciation for Listeners

Materials -

This is a sample lesson from our book Authentic Listening Resource Pack (Delta Publishing). You will find the photocopiable lesson on PDF below, as well as the audio material as a downloadable mp3 file.


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