Mark Hancock

All content by Mark is listed below:

Mark Hancock

Mark Hancock -

I got my first teaching job in 1984, working at a large boy's secondary school in El Obeid, Sudan. This experience made it very clear to me that there's a lot more to teaching English than just being able to speak the language!

The Bad Boy of English Pronunciation

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The Bad Boy of English Pronunciation -

Fancy an accent tattoo? Fourth in the series Accent Through the Keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast download.

Speech sounds are just neutral, aren’t they? So how can there be a ‘bad boy’?

The Reverse Lisp

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The Reverse Lisp -

One person's prestige accent is another person's speech impediment. Third in the series Accent through the keyhole. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast version.

Can you remind us what a lisp is?

The Brogue Meridian

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The Brogue Meridian -

This is the second in the blog/podcast series Accent Through the Keyhole: small views of big pictures. Scroll down for the mp3 podcast.

Accent Through the Keyhole: small views of big pictures

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Mark Hancock's blog on accent in ELT

This series of 8 podcasts / posts looks at key questions relating to accent and English teaching by focusing on specific instances and generalizing out from them. This page serves as a contents list for the series:

View 1: Either will do. In which we look at what's not important in pronunciation teaching.

Either will do

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Mark's Pronunciation Blog -

ACCENT THROUGH THE KEYHOLE: small views of big pictures. This series of posts looks at key questions relating to accent and English teaching by focusing on specific instances and generalizing out from them. Check out the podcast too - it's at the bottom of the page...     

An Intensive Course in Teaching Pronunciation

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Event date: 
Friday, August 26, 2016 (All day)
Blog -

Manchester in summer is not always something to write home about, but this summer was different. Norwich Institute of Language Education (NILE) offered their first ever pronunciation teaching course, and I was the tutor and course designer. It took place as part of NILE’s summer programme at their Manchester site.

Materials Writing: Turning constraints into assets

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Materials Writing: Turning constraints into assets -

ELT materials writing is a creative process, and the prospect of creating something from nothing on an empty white page can be quite daunting. But the materials writer has to do just that, and moreover, do it within very tight constraints. For instance, if you are writing a narrative for ELT purposes, it must not only be engaging as a narrative, but it must also be useful as a learning tool.

Accent: a Manner of Speaking

Event date: 
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 11:15
INTO, Whitworth Street, Manchester
Extra info: 
Handouts/downloads to be added after event
Accent: a Manner of Speaking -

What are accents? How do they vary from place to place? How do they vary over time? What is the connection of accent to social class? What kinds of accent variation are there? What are the implications for language teaching? These are some of the questions we will be looking at in this guest lecture at NILE Manchester.

PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems

PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems -

Pronunciation poems are rhymes, chants, limericks, raps and song lyrics all written specifically to contain multiple examples of the target pronunciation features. The activities usually begin with an exercise completing or correcting the text and culminate in practising saying or chanting the text out loud.

PronPack 3: Pronunciation Pairworks

PronPack 3: Pronunciation Pairworks -

Pronunciation pairworks are information-gap communication activities for students to do in pairs or small groups. Success in each activity depends upon the students accuracy in producing and understanding the target pronunciation feature.


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