
Pronunciation Material as Language Play

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IATEFL Pronunciation SIG newsletter Speak Out, Dec 2006

This article consists of two parts. In the first part, I will argue that the rejection of certain pronunciation materials on the grounds that they are not communicative may be unjustified. In this argument, I will make use of the concept of language play.

Sounds with rhyme and reason

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EL Gazette, issue 281, June 2003

There's so much more to teaching pronunciation than drilling and the phonetic alphabet. A few simple exercises can open your students' senses to the rhythms and patterns of speech.

Minimal Pairs (and that sort of thing)

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IATEFL Pronunciation Sig magazine 'Speak Out', issue 30, Sept 2003

For me, the first example that springs to mind when talking about minimal pairs is ship or sheep. This is almost certainly due to the influence of the title of the well known book Ship or Sheep by Anne Baker. The formula is this: take a word, remove one of the phonemes and replace it with another such that it forms a different word.

Three Takes on Intonation

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English Teaching Professional, issue 40, September 2005

There are three distinct aspects of intonation:
1. Separating what you say into groups of words;
2. Stressing the most important word in each of these groups;
3. Ending each group of words with the voice going up or down.

In this article, we’ll look at simple, practical ways of presenting intonation from each of these three ‘takes’ in turn.


Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca

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Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca by Robin Walker

Written by Robin Walker, Oxford University Press 2010
ISBN 978-0-19-442200-0 (This review first appeared in English Teaching Professional)


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