Accent: a Manner of Speaking

Event date: 
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 11:15
INTO, Whitworth Street, Manchester
Extra info: 
Handouts/downloads to be added after event
Accent: a Manner of Speaking -

What are accents? How do they vary from place to place? How do they vary over time? What is the connection of accent to social class? What kinds of accent variation are there? What are the implications for language teaching? These are some of the questions we will be looking at in this guest lecture at NILE Manchester. Enquire to Maria Heron at Nile of you would like to attend: sends e-mail)

PDF icon AAA Accent a manner of speaking slides.pdf2.06 MB



Hi Mark, Hope you and Annie are both well. I just saw an advert for your talk on accents. Will you be filming the talk? I'd be very interested to see it if it were available. Back 'home' in Valencia for the summer (we have relocated to the UK). Are you still in Madrid? All the best and hope to see you soon, Clive
Mark Hancock's picture

Hi Clive Sorry, the talk wasn't filmed at all. Might do it again sometime though. We're living in UK now too. Chester. What about you? All the best Mark

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