Mark Hancock

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Mark Hancock

Mark Hancock -

I got my first teaching job in 1984, working at a large boy's secondary school in El Obeid, Sudan. This experience made it very clear to me that there's a lot more to teaching English than just being able to speak the language!

IATEFL Hungary: Two talks on English as a Lingua Franca – Eva Illés and Bálint Feyér

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IATEFL-Hungary -

Éva Illés of ELTE in Budapest, began by explaining how English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) differs from pidgin: 1. Pidgin is limited, for example to one trade hub, while ELF is global; 2. Pidgin is limited to a trading domain, while ELF is used in all domains, and 3. Pidgin doesn’t have native speakers while ELF does.

IATEFL Hungary: Mark Hancock on generating intrinsic motivation

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Mark began with a guessing game. Participants had to guess the word "attention" by seeing phrases and collocations with which it occurs. He then went on to point out the importance of attention for learning, and defined the job of a teacher as a "sculptor of learners' attention". He then compared two different was of manipulating attention - directing it and attracting it.

IATEFL Hungary: Scott Thornbury on keeping yourself inspired (Plenary)

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IATEFL-Hungary -

Scott began by looking at some of the reasons that teachers might get to feel jaded as their career progresses. He revealed his own pet peeve as being the rampant commoditization of ELT, with words from the world of business being drafted in, such as ‘outcomes’, ‘solutions’, ‘value-added’, ‘accountability’ and so on.

IATEFL Hungary: Margit Szesztay on the power of questions

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As well as her plenary on teacher development, Margit Szesztay presented this very practical, classroom-focussed workshop on harnessing the power of questions. First of all, she asked participants to simply formulate one question we would like to ask, and then ask it to as many other participants as possible.

IATEFL Hungary: Michael Carrier on use of mobile devices and other technology in ELT (Plenary)

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Event date: 
Saturday, October 6, 2012 - 13:15

Michael began by pointing out the now overwhelming reasons people have for learning English. Statistically, it’s proven that increased English means increased income (except perhaps for English teachers, as one member of the audience pointed out, to much laughter!). He went on to point out that more and more, academic programmes are conducted through English.

Pronunciation in Coursebooks

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My impression is that coverage of pronunciation in current coursebooks is usually imbalanced in favour of individual sounds, to the detriment of syllables, connected speech and discourse.

ELT Pronunciation for Spanish speakers (Collection)

TESOL Spain Newsletter

Mark Hancock and Victor Pavón wrote these articles under the title 'Pronzone' for the TESOL Spain newsletter.

Motivation: The Inside Story

Event date: 
Sunday, October 7, 2012 - 09:00
IATEFL Hungary
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Are your students inspired by your lessons or has their interest expired!? What can you do to attract their attention and generate intrinsic motivation? Are there any strategies you can use or is it just a question of inspiration? These are some of the questions we will address in this session.

Pronunciation as a Listening Skill

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Pronunciation as a Listening Skill -
Pronunciation is not only about the mouth, but also the ears. And, with English being a global language, the ears must learn to be flexible in order to make sense of all those varieties of spoken English out there. This article is about helping learners to deal with this variety.

Creating Motivation

Event date: 
Monday, September 17, 2012 - 18:30
Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados
Complutense, Madrid
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In the first part of the talk, we will see how motivation leads to attention which in turn leads to learning. We will look at the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how the first leads to a better quality of attention. We will then look at strategies for creating intrinsic motivation in the classroom.


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