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Intelligibility does not depend on having a standard accent. In this presentation, I will suggest that it is possible to teach pronunciation in a way which is more flexible and accepting of different accents. The presentation will present practical teaching ideas, while at the same time introducing four principles for accent-friendly pronunciation teaching:
Intelligibility does not depend on having a standard accent. In this presentation, I will suggest that it is possible to teach pronunciation in a way which is more flexible and accepting of different accents. The presentation will present practical teaching ideas, while at the same time introducing four principles for accent-friendly pronunciation teaching:
TITLE: Spoken word recognition for listeners
DAY: Tuesday 18 April 2023
TIME: 14:50-15:20
LENGTH: 30 mins
ROOM: Queen's Suite 7 - Harrogate Convention Centre
Have you ever heard an English teacher say, ‘I don’t teach pronunciation because I’m English’? No, me neither. But if you change the last word to almost anything else - ‘Scottish’ or ‘non-native’ for example – then you’ll hear it often.
Mazes, Maps, Rhymes & Raps: Download the slides below. Watch and hear the 'Get Fit' rap here. Get the 'Nightmare Hotel' poem here. Find more videos and raps here(link is external).
We often think of pronunciation in terms of productive skills, but it’s equally important for receptive ones. Indeed, some aspects of pronunciation learning are primarily for the benefit of listening – connected speech in particular.
We often think of pronunciation in terms of productive skills, but it’s equally important for receptive ones. Indeed, some aspects of pronunciation learning are primarily for the benefit of listening – connected speech in particular.
In this class, we will address three big questions in pronunciation teaching:
A. Why are we teaching it? We will consider how the needs of learners very according to context, and how this affects what we teach. We will differentiate pronunciation for productive and for receptive purposes.