Talks, presentations and workshops

We often present at ELT conferences and events. Just select the title below if you're looking for the handout or download from a talk or workshop you have attended.

Pronunciation as a Listening Skill at NATESOL

Event date: 
Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 11:45
Salford City College
Worsley, Greater Manchester
Extra info: 
Includes handouts
Talks -

Pronunciation is just as important for listening as for speaking. In this workshop, we will look at what features make connected speech difficult to follow. We will try out a series of tasks and games for raising awareness of these features. Finally, I will suggest how teachers can prepare their own micro-listening activities. Find PDF of handout below...

Teaching Listening with Authentic Audio Texts at NATESOL

Event date: 
Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 10:45
NATESOL Conference
Salford City College
Extra info: 
Includes handouts
Talks -

Learners of English living in an English speaking environment have rich exposure to the spoken language, yet, at the same time, they regularly experience frustration at not being able to understand what people say. In this workshop, we’ll look at and try out tasks which can be used with different texts to help boost confidence and develop a learner's listening skill.

Pron 4 Spain

Event date: 
Friday, April 19, 2013 - 11:00
EOI Orihuela
Extra info: 
Includes handouts
Talks -

We will look at 8 features of pronunciation which are of particular relevance for Spanish speaking learners of English. These will include vowels, spelling of vowels, consonants, clusters, word stress, stress patterns, tonic syllables and joined up speech. Each feature will be explained, contrasted with Spanish and demonstrated with an example game.

Teaching Listening with Authentic Audio Texts

Event date: 
Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 16:00
IATEFL Liverpool
Hall 14
Extra info: 
Includes handouts
Talks -

It is often said that we test rather than teach listening. In this workshop, we consider the characteristics of classroom listening tasks and activities we can use with authentic audio materials. They have been designed to develop the listening skill, and simultaneously help non-native listeners become more effective, confident and autonomous.

Pronunciation for Listeners: Making sense of connected speech

Event date: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 10:45
IATEFL Liverpool
Hall 11a
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Search -

Pronunciation is just as important for listening as for speaking. In this workshop, we will look at what features make connected speech difficult to follow. We will try out a series of tasks and games for raising awareness of these features. Finally, I will suggest how teachers can prepare their own micro-listening activities. Find PDF of handout below...

English as a Lingua Franca

Robin Walker
Grzegorz Spiewak
Event date: 
Monday, April 8, 2013 - 10:00
IATEFL Liverpool
Pre Conference Event ACC Hall 14
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Talks -

(You can find Mark's powerpoint slide show at the foot of this page, and an interview at IATEFL here(link is external)) (Read a summary here) The concept of English as a Lingua Franca is not new, and research into ELF has

A Map of ELT (Plenary)

Event date: 
Sunday, March 10, 2013 - 16:15
Mar 10: TESOL-SPAIN 36th Annual Convention
Mar 10: Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Filología
Extra info: 
Includes handouts/downloads, plus Video!
Talks -

Read a full article based on the talk on the PDF at the bottom of this page. Listen to the podcast of the talk. How does technology relate to the human touch? And what else apart from these is there in the world of ELT?

Developing the Listening Skill: Tips for Materials Design

Event date: 
Friday, March 8, 2013 - 19:00
TESOL-SPAIN 36th Annual Convention
Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Filología
Extra info: 
Includes handouts
Talks -

What aspects of listening, learning and listener character traits come into play when we take authentic listening texts into our classrooms and how might they relate to tasks and activities we devise? In this workshop we’ll look at the challenges authentic listening texts present for non-expert listeners around B2 level.

From Technology to the Human Touch: A Map of ELT

Event date: 
Friday, February 15, 2013 - 20:00
TESOL-Spain regional event
International School, Madrid
Talks -

A session to present and explain a concept map of current ELT. The idea is to show how the different ideas and acronyms relate to one another, so that we can keep the big picture in mind. We need to see both the wood and the trees! See a related article here.

Hints and tips on developing listening skills using authentic materials (TESOL France)

Event date: 
Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 16:45
TESOL France
Extra info: 
Handouts and downloads
Annie McDonald at TESOL France

Do you want to use more authentic listening materials with your learners? Are you looking for ideas on the kind of tasks you could design that will make the listening experience doable, develop your learners’ skills and inculcate confidence - all at the same time? And what's ambiguity and risk got to do with it all? Just some of the questions to be mulled over in this session.
