What’s your ELT footprint? This is one of the questions we will look into in “A Map of ELT” at the English UK North academic conference in Leeds on Saturday Oct 8th. After looking at the map and how it is organized, we’ll consider how it may be used for teacher reflection, critical awareness and for a ‘bigger picture’ perspective on topical issues in ELT.
This talk was part of a day of pronunciation talks organized by the IATEFL PronSig in collaboration with the ELT website Teachitworld. In my talk, we took a playful approach to the teaching of pronunciation.
There's more than one way to motivate. In this talk, we take a tour of the Map of Motivation, from aspirations through subject matter, classroom conditions and effective learning. The main slides from the talk and the handout can be found below. There's also a ten minute video tour of the map.
Pronunciation is just as important for listening as for speaking. In this workshop, we will look at what features make connected speech difficult to follow. We will try out a series of tasks and games for raising awareness of these features. Finally, I will suggest how teachers can prepare their own micro-listening activities. Find PDF of handout below...
We will look at 8 features of pronunciation which are of particular relevance for Spanish speaking learners of English. These will include vowels, spelling of vowels, consonants, clusters, word stress, stress patterns, tonic syllables and joined up speech. Each feature will be explained, contrasted with Spanish and demonstrated with an example game.
Pronunciation is just as important for listening as for speaking. In this workshop, we will look at what features make connected speech difficult to follow. We will try out a series of tasks and games for raising awareness of these features. Finally, I will suggest how teachers can prepare their own micro-listening activities. Find PDF of handout below...
(You can find Mark's powerpoint slide show at the foot of this page, and an interview at IATEFL here) (Read a summary here) The concept of English as a Lingua Franca is not new, and research into ELF has
Read a full article based on the talk on the PDF at the bottom of this page. Listen to the podcast of the talk. How does technology relate to the human touch? And what else apart from these is there in the world of ELT?
A session to present and explain a concept map of current ELT. The idea is to show how the different ideas and acronyms relate to one another, so that we can keep the big picture in mind. We need to see both the wood and the trees! See a related article here.
Pronunciation is not only about the mouth, but also the ears. And, with English being a global language, the ears must learn to be flexible in order to make sense of all those varieties of spoken English out there. This session is about helping learners to deal with this variety.