English as a Lingua Franca

Robin Walker
Grzegorz Spiewak
Event date: 
Monday, April 8, 2013 - 10:00
IATEFL Liverpool
Pre Conference Event ACC Hall 14
Extra info: 
Plus downloads
Talks - hancockmcdonald.com/talks

(You can find Mark's powerpoint slide show at the foot of this page, and an interview at IATEFL here(link is external)) (Read a summary here) The concept of English as a Lingua Franca is not new, and research into ELF has been going on for over 15 years. Speak Out!, the PronSIG newsletter, published research findings as long ago as 1996. In ‘Changing pronunciation priorities for successful communication in international contexts’ Jennifer Jenkins gave us a first glimpse into how an ELF approach to pronunciation might work.
But what has happened since then? Has later research proven Jenkins’ initial ideas to be wrong? Do academic research findings have any direct consequences for what we do in the classroom? Can ELF pronunciation actually be taught? And if it can, what do we teach, what models do we use, which techniques should we employ, and how do we plan or assess outcomes?
This PCE will answer these questions, both at a theoretical level, and in terms of classroom practice for teachers and trainers. Specifically the PCE will look at:
• Accent, intelligibility, & priorities.
• Using the learner's L1 phonology.
• Accommodation for ELF pronunciation.
• Planning & assessment.
• Costs and benefits of an ELF approach to pronunciation.

Whatever your position on ELF, by the end of the PCE you will be better informed about the principles involved, and be in a stronger position to relate to wider issues arising from the globalisation of English.


Robin Walker is the author of Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca (OUP, 2010) and editor of Speak Out!.

Grzegorz Spievak is Head ELT Consultant for MacMillan Poland. An expert on pronunciation, he contributed the section on Polish in Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca.

Mark Hancock is the author of Pronunciation Games (CUP 1995) and Pronunciation in Use (CUP 2003, 2012), among other well-know ELT titles. Mark is a regular contributor to Speak Out!.


10.00h Welcome
10.10h Talk: Accent, intelligibility & priorities (Robin Walker)
11.00h Break
11.30h Workshop: Using the learner’s L1 phonology (Grzegorz Spiewak)
13.00h Lunch
14.00h Workshop: Accommodation for ELF pronunciation (Mark Hancock)
15.15h Break
15.45h Talk: Planning & assessment (Robin Walker)
16.20h Round Table: Costs and benefits of an ELF approach
17.00h End

PDF icon IATEFL PronSIG PCE Liverpool 2013.pdf121.68 KB
PDF icon Accommodation Slide Show.pdf2.13 MB


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