Liverpool: Pronunciation is part language and part skill, part productive and part receptive. This means that we must vary the way we teach it. In this talk, I will explain how we can approach pronunciation teaching from four angles, labelled muscle, mind, meaning and memory. I will demonstrate activities for each of these from the ELTons-award winning books PronPack 1-4.
ATHENS: Find the slides in the PDF download below! See more about PronPack here. See video of Mark teaching a pronunciation class here. Also follow these links for some of the materials used in the talk:
THESSALONIKI: Pronunciation crosses two domains: it is part language - like grammar or vocabulary, and part skill - like speaking or listening. This makes pronunciation teaching very interesting, and great fun too. Come and see how! Download the slides and audio below!
In this article, I will suggest that following the recognition of English’s role as a global Lingua Franca, there has been an impasse created by two conflicting reactions: dogma and denial. I will discuss the possible implications of ELF for pronunciation teaching goals, and suggest how we can distinguish features which are important for global intelligibility from those which are not.
The slides for this presentation, as well as some Do-It-Yourself templates, can be downloaded below. See here for more about the PronPack books. Pronunciation straddles two domains: it is part language - like grammar or vocabulary, and part skill - like speaking or listening.
1 Know your objective. Pronunciation is about being understood by people all over the globe. It’s not about pretending to be American or British. You don’t need to teach every small detail of the way they speak in the US or UK – very few learners will ever learn that, and there is no reason to anyway. English is a world language now – it doesn’t belong to any particular country.
Download slides and other materials at the bottom of this page! Pronunciation crosses two domains: it is part language - like grammar or vocabulary, and part skill - like speaking or listening. This unique position makes pronunciation teaching interestingly varied – and potentially very enjoyable too.
Download the materials for the IP Athens workshop at the bottom of the page. Find lots more materials here. Find a video of Mark teaching with these materials here.
FREE WEBINAR!: Watch a recording here! Pronunciation is multi-faceted on account of its unique position on the boundary of language and skill, and the fact that it is both productive and receptive.
Our books PronPack 1-4 have been awarded a prize from the English Speaking Union in recognition of their contribution to teaching spoken English. The books won the runners up prize in the category of teaching resources. The prestigious ESU prizes are awarded every two years.