
A Map of Pronunciation Teaching

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IATEFL Pronunciation SIG newsletter 'Speak Out', Issue 50, Feb 2014
A Map of Pronunciation Teaching -

There is an Indian parable in which a number of blind men set out to discover what an elephant is like. Each feels a different part of the

A grey-tie deer

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A grey-tie deer

Here's another phrasal homophone image to add to the collection. It's the homophone of 'A great idea!'.

Pronunciation Tasks Video

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Mark Hancock demonstrating pronunciation activities

This is a video showing clips from a presentation I did at Living Learning English in Bristol.

Back Words

Here's a nice little team game to raise awareness of how spelling and pronunciation differ. The teams have to reverse words such as 'main' to get 'name'.

A Map of Pronunciation

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Hancock Pronmap

IATEFL Pronsig's "Speak Out" magazine 50th Edition celebratory issue is just out, and what an amazing collection it is. Contrats to Robin Walker for getting it together! I'm very proud to have an article in it myself, entitled "A Map of Pronunciation Teaching". Here's the map and excerpts from the intro and conclusion of the article.

Pronouncing Meaning: rhythm and stress games

Event date: 
Thursday, April 3, 2014 - 14:00
IATEFL Harrogate
Harrogate International Conference Centre, Queen's 5 (sesssion2.4)
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Plus downloads
Pronouncing Meaning: rhythm and stress games -

This workshop is part of the IATEFL pronSIG day, session 2.4 (14:05 - 14:50). Rhythm and sentence stress are vital in creating meaning, yet they can be daunting and confusing for both teachers and students.

Alphabet Poem

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Alphabet Poem by Mark Hancock

For awareness of pronunciation features including sounds and spelling, and features of connected speech, for B1 upwards: put this poem on the board and ask students to read it and work out what it's all about. Here's what happened when I tried: they all looked totally blank. One or two asked for vocab items, like 'gee!', which I then explained.

Pronunciation One to One

Event date: 
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 - 14:30
Living Learning English
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Pronunciation -

In one-to-one pronunciation teaching, we must assess what the individual student needs and find the best way of providing it. We can’t use a pre-determined syllabus or ‘set-piece’ pronunciation materials. Instead, we need to be flexible enough to negotiate and adapt both syllabus and methods.  For this, we need to keep three questions in mind:

White Christmas

ELT thoughts, news and updates -

Have fun in class and raise awareness of how pronunciation affects listening at word level and across words. Find the teacher's notes and worksheet pdf below, plus a video/karaoke of the song, and an audio-only mp3.

Pron Journey hit v heat

ELT thoughts, news and updates -
Use this game and video to practice the difference between the vowel sounds in hit v heat. Full instructions in the PDF download below!


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