PronPack Series - Overview

PronPack Series - Overview -

The PronPack collection is an award-winning set of materials for teachers who want to work on English pronunciation with their students. Each book takes a different angle on the topic.

Digital eBooks of PronPack (fixed-layout ePubs with audio) are published on iTunes and Kobo! Print on Demand paperback books are published on Amazon, and Printed paperback books 1-4 are available online at the BEBC bookshop, Bookery (Australia), englishbooks (Czech Republic) and DES (Greece/Cyprus) and more.

Shortly after publication, the original set consisting of PronPack 1-4 were awarded the 2018 ELTons 'Innovation in Teacher Resources Award, a prestigious award for innovation in the English language teaching sector.

PronPack Series - Overview -

Watch the ELTons Innovation Awards Ceremony 2018
 (Innovation in Teacher Resources category, approx 54:41mins into the video), Red Carpet interviews with the nominees earlier in the day (PronPack approx 33:07mins into the video) and Interviews with the winners (PronPack approx 40:27mins into the video).

A little later in the year PronPack 1-4 received further recognition in the English-Speaking Union: English language awards.

PronPack Series - Overview -





PronPack 1: Pronunciation Workouts are a set of drills to work on the physical articulation of English pronunciation. Each lesson gives concentrated and focussed practice of a specific aspect of the topic, ranging from individual sounds through consonant clusters and word stress to connected speech and tonic stress. Students get the opportunity to practice producing these features, and this also serves to improve their ability to perceive these features while listening, and more generally raise awareness of how spoken English works.

PronPack 2: Pronunciation Puzzles are a set of game-like activities to raise awareness of specific features of English pronunciation and how these are represented in spelling. Topics range from awareness of phonemes to suffixes to contrastive stress. Puzzle types include mazes, crosswords, sudokus and word soups. The activities help students to notice certain patterns in the pronunciation system of English while enjoying the challenge of solving a puzzle, either individually or in teams.

PronPack 3: Pronunciation Pairworks are a set of information-gap style communication games which demonstrate to students how pronunciation can affect meaning. The activities challenge students to produce and perceive important phonological distinctions, with a focus on getting the meaning across effectively to a partner. The aspects of pronunciation covered range from minimal pairs to word stress and contrastive stress. See a free sample game from PronPack 3 here.

PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems are a set of poems, rhymes, chants, raps and songs for working on different areas of English pronunciation. Each text has a high density of a given pronunciation feature, making it very noticeable for the student. The teaching points are made enjoyable and memorable by being shown in the context of rhythm, rhyme and word-play. Features range from individual sounds to weak forms, grammatical endings and features of connected speech. See a sample lesson from PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems here.

PronPack 5: Pronunciation of English for Spanish Speakers provides materials for 18 lessons focusing on common difficulties faced by Spanish-speaking learners. It contains printable worksheets and teacher's notes, plus audio files and a support website. The lessons attract learners' attention with memorable activities including raps, games and puzzles.

PronPack 6: Pronunciation of English for Brazilian learners provides materials for 18 lessons focusing on common difficulties faced by Portuguese-speaking learners. It contains printable worksheets and teacher’s notes, plus audio files on a support website. The lessons attract learners’ attention with memorable activities including raps, games and puzzles.

Look inside: 

PronPack 1: Pronunciation Workouts

PronPack 1: Pronunciation Workouts -

Pronunciation workouts are extended drills focusing on specific areas of English pronunciation. Think of them like the scales and other exercises which pianists use to improve their fingering technique. Or like a fitness workout which a gymnast might use to tone the muscles. But in the case of pronunciation, it’s the vocal articulators which are getting trained – the tongue, lips, jaw and vocal cords.

PronPack 2: Pronunciation Puzzles

PronPack 2: Pronunciation Puzzles -

Pronunciation puzzles are challenging game-like activities which students can do on their own, although they are fun to do in pairs or small groups. They include such puzzle types as mazes, sudoku, word searches and crosswords.

PronPack 3: Pronunciation Pairworks

PronPack 3: Pronunciation Pairworks -

Pronunciation pairworks are information-gap communication activities for students to do in pairs or small groups. Success in each activity depends upon the students accuracy in producing and understanding the target pronunciation feature.

PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems

PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems -

Pronunciation poems are rhymes, chants, limericks, raps and song lyrics all written specifically to contain multiple examples of the target pronunciation features. The activities usually begin with an exercise completing or correcting the text and culminate in practising saying or chanting the text out loud.

PronPack 5: Pronunciation of English for Spanish Speakers

PronPack 5: Pronunciation of English for Spanish Speakers -

PronPack 5: Pronunciation of English for Spanish Speakers provides materials for 18 lessons focusing on common difficulties faced by Spanish-speaking learners.

PronPack 6: Pronunciation of English for Brazilian Learners

PronPack 6: Pronunciation of English for Brazilian Learners -

PronPack 6: Pronunciation of English for Brazilian Learners provides materials for 18 lessons focusing on common difficulties faced by Portuguese-speaking learners.

Sample review: 

PronPack 4: Pronunciation Poems

Appeared in: 
Kobo | iBooks | Amazon

***** Fantastic!
Fantastic series for teaching the basics of English sounds to EFL learners. One-of-a-kind!
Alfredo Bilopolsky on August 08, 2017


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